Lead File Clerk Fidora spends many hours in a large room filed with closed case files. She's very good at her job so she has hours of extra time on her hands when she must be in the file room, but has nothing to do. One day, while reading one of the criminal defense case files, Fidora got the idea that she could write one of those popular mystery-law novels. She begins her research in the case file and begins a preliminary draft of the novel. Fidora should
A.get permission from the clients involved in that case because it is probable that Fidora will divulge confidential information in her book.
B.not worry about any of these issues because she is going to change the names of the people and the locations of the action, anyway.
C.get permission from her law firm to use the case file because it is possible that Fidora will divulge confidential information in her book.
D.talk to someone at the district attorney's office to get their permission to tell their side of the case