
Ldentify and criilcally evaluate the major environmental

Intemational marketing

Maximum Word Length: 2,500 words

State the number of words used at the end of your assignment. You may include diagrams, figures elc. without word penalty. A sliding scale of penalties for excess length will be imposed according to the amount by which the limit has been exceeded.

NB. None of the above penalties will be used to change a student mark which is above the pass mark, to one that is below the pass mark. Therefore the maximum penalty lornol meeting the word limit will be a reduction to a pass grade.

Assessment Criteria

To achieve a 'Pass' grade of 4070 or above ln order to achieve a pass grade the student will have demonstrated application of the concepts and principles of international marketing. The work produced must apply appropriate international marketing concepls and frameworks in order to address the areas specified in the assignment. There should also be clear evidence of research and reading, with reference to appropriate sources.

To achieve a grade ot 70o/o or above ln order to achieve a grade of 70% or above, as well as satisfying all of the criteria outlined for a 'pass', the student will have demonstrated a detailed understanding and critical evaluation of the situation and application of the concepts and principles of international marketing. The submission will be well organised and contain all relevant data. lt will show evidence of appropriate investigation including research from a range of academic literature and other secondary sources of information. Detailed answers will be given to each of the questions with appendices where appropriate. There will be evidence of wider reading through appropriate supporting references.

This assignment will assess the following leaming outcomes:

1) ldentify and criilcally evaluate the major environmental influences affecting global and intemational markets to justify recommended strategies;

2) Apply appropriate analytical models and frameworks to analyse, assess and critically appraise global and intemational marketing situation.

Write an lndividual Assignment up to 2500 words on analyzing the following Gase:


You have to choose any lnternational Beverage Company and its products. You have to critically analyse and evaluate its marketing strategies, applying the principles and practices of international marketing concepts.

You are the newly appointed export marketing manager and your main task is to prepare an lnternational marketing plan along with analysis and any challenges faced by the company during internationalisation. You have to cover your topic of study in all following areas;

1) A brief lntroduction about the company and its products.

2) Company's rationale behind internationalisation.

3) Mode of entry - selection of market entry strategies to enter into various countries.

4) Evaluate the marketing mix strategies adopted by the company.

5) Discuss brand positioning and advertising strategy.

6) Competitor analysis with respect to the host country.

7) How social and cultural factors have significant impact on the target market in an intemational environment.

8) Which factors influence the decision in developing distribution channels intemationally?

9) Conclusion and findings of framework analysis

10) References must be according to Harvard Style

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Other Subject: Ldentify and criilcally evaluate the major environmental
Reference No:- TGS01001833

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