
Layout and design of food processing plant

Kelani Valley Canneries Ltd


KVC is located about 50 km out of Vacoas. It manufactures organic jams, juices, chutneys, purees and so on. and exports to African countries under the label “Legends”. It as well supplies the local municipal markets with chillies, chilli sauce, tomatoes, and tomato chutneys. KVC was well-known in 1969 and the processing machinery comes from the UK and Germany. It can only be cleaned with hot water – chemicals cannot be employed because of products being organic. The factory employs 50 people (35 women/15 men) who work 8 hours a day, 6 days a week. They earn about Rs 150/day and have a refresher training once a month.


One kilo of raw tomatoes makes 300g of paste. The tomatoes are blanched for 5 minutes in boiling water. After blanching they’re put through a blender, and using a muslin cloth, the pulp and juice are separated by hanging for 1hour. Throughout processing the tomato in paste, KVC only employed the tomato juice and threw the fibbers and pulp away as it was considered to be the waste product. 2000 x 385g bottles of tomatoes puree are manufactured each day; 2000 jars of tomatoes paste are made each day. It takes sixteen days for the product to be delivered from factory to the shelf. Shelf life is 10 months and products can be stored for 2 weeks in a refrigerator once they have been opened.


Question 1: Based upon this case study, illustrate the different hygienic practices with respect to personal hygiene, pest control and cleaning which should be applied in KVC plant?

Question 2: It is mentioned that the personnel are trained once a month. What essential topics of Good Hygienic Practices must the personnel of KVC is made aware of?

Question 3: Briefly illustrate the required layout and design of food processing plant.

Question 4: What are the requirements which need to be executed to make sure proper waste disposal in KVC plant?

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Other Subject: Layout and design of food processing plant
Reference No:- TGS09400

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