
Layered approach of operating system structure

Q1. Explain why system calls are significant in an interactive system? Describe the use of fork and exec system calls?

Q2. Describe how protection is given for the hardware resources by the operating system.

Q3. Illustrate the meaning of Layered approach of Operating system structure? Write down an illustration where it is implemented.

Q4. Describe the Operating System structure of UNIX and DOS.

Q5. Define the word Process. A process is a passive entity. Write down your views regarding the statement with explanation of your answer.

Q6. In brief explain the different states a process can have? As well describe the state transition diagram.

Q7. Write down a detail note on the Process Control Block (PCB) by describing its utility in the process management.

Q8. List at least four reasons for the process termination. As well describe the requirement for the suspend state?

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Operating System: Layered approach of operating system structure
Reference No:- TGS013483

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