
Lawsuit against the department store for false imprisonment

Assignment task:

How would I represent the department store?

Calvin Worker was visiting a local department store. He decided that he really like a pair of expensive jeans and went into one of the store's dressing rooms to try them on. Sara Eagleye, a salesperson at the store, watched Calvin carefully. He was dressed in shabby clothes and did not seem the type who could afford the jeans he took into the dressing room.

Sara decided that Calvin was up to no good. She locked the dressing room door so Calvin could not get out. She then called the store's security guard to report the situation. The guard arrived in about 5 minutes, opened the locked dressing room door and demanded to know why Calvin had the jeans. Calvin explained that he had intended to buy the jeans until he was locked in the dressing room and showed that he had cash to do so before storming out of the store.

If your last name begins with the letters A-K, you will represent Calvin in his lawsuit against the department store for false imprisonment and defamation.

If your name begins with the letters L-Z, you will be defending the department store.

You must limit your research for your first post to the secondary sources discussed in Chapters 5 & 6 that are available to you via Westlaw. This week, your posts will need two citations. First, you will need to cite the article (i.e. your secondary source). Then cite the law from within the article (i.e. your primary source). To keep it simple, we will ignore jurisdictional differences. That is, we will not focus on specific state false imprisonment and defamation statutes and/or cases. Simply rely on the content (cases and statutes) found within the articles.


Students representing Calvin will argue that he should be successful in his lawsuit against the department store for false imprisonment and defamation.

Students representing the department store will argue that Calvin should not win his lawsuit.

Research secondary authority to assist you with the researching process. You MUST include those secondary sources as citations in your first post.

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Other Subject: Lawsuit against the department store for false imprisonment
Reference No:- TGS03292239

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