

Business Scenarios

Chapter 1-3, Legal terms like "stare decisis" generally have a simpler meaning in everyday language. "Stare decisis" roughly translated refers to an earlier court decision (also termed a "precedent") that arguably binds subsequent courts. Please keep this Scenario in mind when you work on Case Activity 1-4 later this Module.

Chapter 2.1, Standing."Standing" means something quite different in the law than in everyday life (there are other legal terms like that!). "Standing" means having a sufficient, direct interest in the issues involved in the case to have the legal right to be the party to a law suit. For example, if A and B are in a car accident witnessed by C, C has no "standing" to sue anyone unless C was injured by accident. On the other hand, both A and B have standing.

Chapter 4-1, Commerce Clause. Please be sure to consider the legal significance of the words a "little safer." Also, please keep this Scenario in mind when you work on Case Activity 4-8 later this Module.

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Dissertation: Law2110
Reference No:- TGS02450991

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