
Law of insurance and carriage of goods

Question 1:

a) Explain the scope of insurable interest in life, marine and fire insurance and state when such interest must subsist in each case.

b) Explain the significance of social security.

Question 2: Proximate cause does not mean the earliest or the latest in time. It means the direct, dominant and efficient cause. Elucidate with reference to fire and marine insurance contracts.

Question 3: Explain the concept of sea worthiness in marine insurance contracts.

Question 4: Explain the nature and consequences of double insurance and state the rights of the insurers in these and the assured.

Question 5: Mention various kinds of fire insurance policies.

Question 6: Explain the law relating to motor insurance policies.

Question 7: Define the term risk. Explain the significance of the same in insurance contracts.

Question 8: Explain different kinds of losses in relation to marine insurance contracts.

Question 9: Write short notes on any TWO of the following:

a) Surrender value.
b) Clauses in a fire policy.
c) Assurance and insurance.

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Business Law and Ethics: Law of insurance and carriage of goods
Reference No:- TGS03747

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