The facilitator selects a political issue, an assigned a role: special interest group, lobbyist, political action committee, issue network, or institutional elite.
Keep your role, goals, agenda, and available power in focus.
To oppose the law SB 1070 or the Support Our Law Enforcement and Safe Neighborhoods Act from the viewpoint of the "Arizona Hotel & Lodging Association"
To counter this interest group the Arizona Law enforcement
Create a 1,050- to 1,400-word action plan and 9- to 10-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation explaining your action plan, or how you will influence policy.
Discuss what arguments you will use and the media or other tools you will employ.
Explain how the plan differs from the approach taken if the team was assigned a different role and why the teamâ??s plan offers a superior approach.
Format your action plan and presentation according to APA standards.