
Latane and rodin staged an accident wherein participants

Q. Helping others can be dangerous. How can evolutionary psychologists and ethologists still consider prosocial behavior to be adaptive?
- None of these. Prosocial behavior is not adaptive.
- By thinking about the survival of genes, rather than survival of individuals
- By realizing that animals engage in dangerous helping because they have not evolved sufficient intelligence to be safer

Q. When dealing with ingroup members, how does culture influence helping behavior?
- When it comes to ingroup members, there are no cultural differences in helping.
- Members of collectivist societies are more less to help strangers than are members of individualist societies.
- Members of collectivist societies are more likely to be influenced by the norm of reciprocity than members of individualist societies.

Q. What is the relationship between socioeconomic status and prosocial behavior in the United States?
- Wealthy people care less about others and give smaller proportions of their income to charity than do poor people.
- Wealthy people give higher proportions of their income to charity than poor people, although poor people display more empathic concern for others.
- Wealthy people and poor people exhibit similar levels of concern, but poor people give higher proportions of their income to charity.

Q. Information dependence and outcome dependence work together to produce which state that interferes with prosocial behavior?
- Personal distress
- Blaming the victim
- Pluralistic ignorance

Q. Darley and Latane attempted to recreate the psychological conditions that were present during the Kitty Genovese case. What was the setting for this famous study?
- A subway station where a man appeared to collapse
- A discussion taking place over an intercom
- A lab room with smoke coming in through a vent

Q. The person who sees someone in pain and seeks to comfort them is showing _____, while the person who sees someone in pain and makes a big scene about how awful it is to see someone in pain is showing _____.
- altruism, arousal
- empathy, personal distress
- good mood effect; negative state relief

Q. Latane and Rodin staged an accident, wherein participants thought they heard a lab assistant fall and injure herself. What phenomenon were they investigating?
- Diffusion of responsibility
- Social responsibility
- Reciprocal altruism

Q. What is the major difference between the two basic forms of helping?
- The empathy for the victim
- The goal of the helper
- The arousal generated by the situation
- The cost of the helping

Q. What function does not Just World Belief serve?
- It protects people from realizing that they might experience misfortune.
- It reminds people to strive for social justice.
- It accurately sums up the finding that people get what they deserve.
- It helps people remember that there is just one world that all must share.

Q. Which groups of people are most likely to endorse the norm of social justice?
- Liberals and collectivists
- Conservatives and individualists
- Liberals and individualists
- Conservatives and collectivists

Q. Which of the following is not a feature of societies where reciprocal helping is likely to develop?
- Social group living
- Low costs and benefits of helping
- Lack of rigid dominance hierarchies
- Mutual dependence
- Audience inhibition

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Dissertation: Latane and rodin staged an accident wherein participants
Reference No:- TGS02539092

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