
Last step is to ask the user if they want to continue doing

It is just a simple calculator code. C++ language library

A) Display on the screen the following menu:

Welcome to my calculator

Please look at the menu below for your calculations

1. Addition

2. Subtraction

3. Multiplication

4. Division

5. Modulus %

Please press your choice from 1-5:

B) You will use printf() for each of these statements and use \n inside printf() to ensure that the menu is displayed the way it is given above. Whenever you want something printed on a newline put \n at the beginning of your printf() like for example, printf("\n 1. Addition");

C) After the menu, you need the user to enter his/her choice from 1 - 5 and for that purpose you need a scanf(). Decide the data type for your identifier that will hold any value from 1 to 5. Will you want an int or float or double?

D) After that you will ask the user to enter the first number followed by asking the user to enter the second number. (Please remember when you see the word ask you need a printf() statement to display the question to the user. And use scanf() so that user can enter his/her answer). You will need 2 identifiers here (one for holding each number that the user enters.)

E) Use the switch case, on the identifier you use for holding the user's choice of which operation they want to perform. (The user can enter from 1 to 5 so how many cases will you have inside your switch?). In each case, perform the operation and print the answer.

F) Use an ‘if condition' inside the case for division. If there is division by 0 then please print an appropriate message like "Division by 0 is not allowed" else you can perform the division operation and print the result.

G) Last step is to ask the user if they want to continue doing another operation. Ask them to press a ‘y' for yes and ‘n' for no. If the user says yes you will again print the whole menu and if the user says no then do nothing. The program will end. You will need a do while loop to perform this part.

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Computer Engineering: Last step is to ask the user if they want to continue doing
Reference No:- TGS02925327

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