
Large case study sports corruption writing critical

Large Case Study: Sports Corruption (writing, critical thinking, inquiry/research, discipline knowledge)

Students will be required to write a 2,000-2,500 word individual case study on a sport organisation of their choice. Choose an example of cheating that has been reported in the media. It might be related to either a) doping, match-fixing, age, weight and other forms of on-field corruption; or b) off-field corruption. This may include vote-rigging, extortion and bribery (eg: in relation to the awarding to event hosting rights or player transfers), fraud and misappropriation of membership organisation funds (through property, expenses and remuneration), 'pork barrelling' and sports development grants processes, nepotism, media rights, sponsorship and ticketing impropriety, or poor accountability and governance.

Applying your own ethics and values, consider what solutions may be most appropriate, and why. Inspired by the idea of "moral repair" coined by Margaret Urban-Walker eg:Walker, M. U. (2001). Moral repair and its limits,https://epublications.marquette.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1151&context=phil_fac, how could you go about in re-establishing trust both within an organisation, and in the sporting public?

As a starting point for suggested solutions for "moral repair" please read my co-authored chapter 4 in Schulenkorf and Frawley's book, Critical Issues in Global Sport Management. In the section of the chapter headed: "Solutions: anti-corruption strategies and their application to sport" the solutions outlined are:

  • Leadership: ethical decision-making
  • Partnerships: information-sharing and inter-agency collaboration
  • Good governance: transparency and accountability (including Gender equity)
  • Awareness and education
  • Sport industry regulatory frameworks
  • Early warning systems
  • Whistleblowing and reporting systems
  • Integrity units, officials and networks
  • Legislation and the role of penal measures
  • Asset protection: athlete welfare; and
  • Research and facilitation of new ideas and approaches

Feel free to apply, critique and/or come up with your own alternate solutions to the cheating you have identified. Conclude by outlining your preferred option, next steps, and possible responses/ repercussions.

Case studies must include a detailed bibliography referencing academic journals. The choice of organisation, cheating example, and sourcing of relevant support materials will be the responsibility of the student

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Business Management: Large case study sports corruption writing critical
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