
Language structure and society

Choose one of these syllabus topics:

(1) Study of any aspect of the relation between language structure and society

(2) Study of any aspect of slang and its relation to society

(3) Study of any aspect of metaphor and its relation to cognition or culture

(4) Study of any aspect of linguistic relativity

(5) A cross-cultural comparison of any of the above

(6) Study of any aspect of the relation of language to culture

(7) Study of any aspect of dialect variation

(8) Analysis of any aspect of Internet language or text-messaging

A) 7 pages double-spaced, Times New Roman 12 pt. font, standard margins

B) 4 outside academic resources (not including course texts) are to be engaged with

C) syllabus topics are meant to be general guidelines - be creative and find more specific topics and specific examples

D) have a specific argument/critique/analysis, and try to back it up and present it clearly

E) have a clear introduction that outlines both the general topic and what your paper will be arguing

F) organization and paragraph structure are important in having a balanced paper

G) reference any material that comes from a source that is not you

H) have a balance of descriptive summary and analytical critique - papers are expected to be more than just general descriptive summaries.


Proper citation practices (AAA style) are consistently employed. Synthesizes a wide range of academic sources (i.e. does not rely too heavily on one or two sources).

All assignment requirements are followed:

- Number of authors does not exceed 3.
- Title page specifies names, IDs, course code, essay title, topic, and TA's name.
- Essay is 7 pages in length, double-spaced, with a Works Cited list.
- Essay refers to textbook and a minimum of four refereed scholarly sources.

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Humanities: Language structure and society
Reference No:- TGS0676180

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