
Language-based protection system

Q1. Describe the domain of protection in the operating system.

Q2. Describe the significance of language-based protection system. Explain compiler based enforcement beneath language based protection scheme.

Q3. Explain different types of user authentication methods.

Q4. Describe the memory management and File system under the Linux Operating system.

Q5. Multithreading is a generally used programming method. Explain the three different ways which threads could be implemented. Describe how these ways compare to the Linux clone method. When might each alternative method be better or worse than using the clones?

Q6. Write detail notes on the given in context to the Windows NT system:

a) Win 32 Environment
b) Internal layout of file system
c) Name resolution in TCP/IP Network
d) Inter-process Communication

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Operating System: Language-based protection system
Reference No:- TGS013495

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