
Laboratory exercise - synoptic mapping construct your

Laboratory Exercise - Synoptic Mapping

Assignment Tasks

1. Attached are three maps with station model data, corresponding to the surface, 500 hPa and 250 hPa data. Isopleth the variables according to the instruction and tables attached (see page 8) and create a synoptic analysis. Make sure to follow the proper convections and use appropriate colors! Each map constitutes a figure and therefore must have a label and caption. Plot pressure or geopotential height first (as needed), then follow with temperature, dew point temperature and wind before identifying highs, lows and other synoptic features.

a. Additional Special Notes:

i. The surface map depicts T and Td in degrees Fahrenheit (oF). The upper level maps are in degrees Celsius (oC). Ensure you label all maps in oC; to convert use: T(oC) = 5/9 [T(oF) - 32].

ii. Isopleth lightly in pencil first (to accommodate for mistakes) and then trace over your isopleths in the appropriate color later.

iii. The presence of 'M' for any field in a station model indicates missing data - assume that no data exists at that point for that particular variable.

2. On the surface map, isopleth current precipitation by drawing a solid green line enclosing those stations and very lightly shading the enclosed area in green. Use a different shade than the one used for the isodrosotherms (i.e. constant dew point lines). Shading that is too dark may mask out important gradients. If you find a precipitation symbol not described by the chart above (or any other kind of symbol not yet explained), consult the following site which has more library of station model symbols and their meanings.

3. On the surface map, qualitatively identify areas of pronounced horizontal advection of temperature (warm air or cold air). Identify these areas using a block arrow. Draw the outline of a block arrow in pencil (see example below) to indicate the direction of advection and lightly shade the interior of the arrow with the appropriate color (try to avoid masking out the isopleths beneath).

Label each arrow with the appropriate abbreviation (below)

Cold Air Advection (CAD) → Blue Shaded Arrow

Warm Air Advection (WAD) → Red Shaded Arrow

4. Construct your discussion as a map analysis of the major synoptic features: troughs, ridges, Highs and Lows. How these factors relate to the current weather?

5. Add the axis of the jet stream from west to east and include jet streaks and their values if any are found at 250 hPa.

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Other Engineering: Laboratory exercise - synoptic mapping construct your
Reference No:- TGS02702373

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