
Labor relations and collective bargaining are significant

Labor relations and collective bargaining are significant challenges within the organization and when not addressed properly will cause issues within the organization. Drawing on your personal experiences and research in the field, you will provide a response using considerations from various labor sources and their relationship to the fire departments.

Read the case decision from your state regarding an arbitration that involved a fire department. You will want to use your favorite search engine and type in "public employee relations board," as this will provide the student with options in researching arbitrated cases.

This case study will be answered in a minimum one page paper. The minimum page count does not include the title page or reference pages. You will briefly describe the case, provide the details of the case, and present why you believe the case was decided. All sources used, including the textbook, must contain proper citations and references.

Research Paper

For this assignment, you are to evaluate one of the federal statutes that has been passed to prohibit various forms of discrimination in regards to employment. There are many different statutes you can choose to evaluate. Here are just a few:

1. Equal Pay Act of 1963

2. Rehabilitation Act of 1973

3. Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990

4. Age Discrimination in Employment Act

5. Pregnancy Discrimination Act

FIR 3311, Legal Aspects of Fire Protection 5

In your evaluation, provide an overview of the statute and how it relates to your organization and what steps have been implemented to ensure that your organization is within compliance of that federal statute.

You should discuss your topic in a minimum one page research paper. The minimum page count does not include the title or reference pages. All sources used, including the textbook, must contain proper citations and references.

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Dissertation: Labor relations and collective bargaining are significant
Reference No:- TGS02252324

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