Conduct market research for an organization selected by the members of the Learning Team. The main purpose of the research is to explore the reliable websites available online and to write a market analysis of no more than 1,400 words. Resources available comprise the Department of Labor, the Bureau of Labor Statistics, and the statistical abstract of the United States, and also any industry reports available which are nonproprietary. You might use charts and graphs to support the analysis. Comprise the given:
a) A discussion of labor trends for your organization's market.
b) Salary structure and compensation packages.
c) Forecasting.
d) Availability of labor in the workforce.
Are there other tools suitable for your analysis? What are the suitable tools to use for forecasting, pricing, and labor market analysis for your organization?
Give projections with statistics to support your analysis.
What external pressures will your corporation face in the next 3-years?