
Label the parts of the skeleton - mention any 4 ways by

Question 1

a. Fill in the blanks

1. _____________ is the primary source of energy in a food chain.

2. Bone marrow produces the ____________.

3. Two examples for omnivores are ______________ and ______________.

4. The root of plant develops from the _____________ of the embryo.

5. Germs that cause diseases are known as _____________.

6. The ___________ connects the bones to the muscles.

b. Label the parts of the skeleton


c. Choose the correct answer

1. Rickets is the disease caused by lack of ___________.
a)iron b)Vitamin D c)Vitamin K d)Phosphorus

2. Monkey is an example for an __________ animal.
a)arboreal b)amphibious c)aerial d)aquatic

3. Ginger is grown from its _____________.
a)leaves b)root c)stem d)seeds

4. The colored part of the eyes is the
a)pupil b)iris c)lens d)retina

5. The part of brain responsible for maintaining blood pressure
a)medulla b)cranium c)cerebrum d)cerebellum

d. Match the following

            A                                                         B                                            

1.      Iodine                                            humming bird

2.      Calotropis                                      femur

3.      Thigh bone                                    goiter

4.      Pollinator                                       direct contact

5.      Typhoid                                         wind

e. Write True or False

1. Frogs breathe through lungs on land and in water -
2. There are more than 500 muscles in our body -
3. A balanced diet is made up of only fibre and carbohydrates -
4. The nerve that carries information from eye to the brain is the auditory nerve -

Question 2

1. What is a food web?

2. Give 2 reasons why plants depend on animals.

3. Mention any 4 ways by which plants reproduce other than by seeds and vegetative parts.

4. Grass → Grasshopper → Frog → Snake → Owl
In the above food chain given what happens if the frogs disappear?

5. Mention any 3 ways by which seeds are dispersed and give 2 examples for each.

Question 3

1. Give the symptoms of ringworm.

2. A person who does not get enough nutrition for a long period of time suffers from ______________.

3. The ____________ mosquito spreads malaria and _____________ mosquito spreads dengue.

4. What are vaccines?

5. Give the cause, symptoms, cure for scurvy.

6. What are the different types of nutrients found in food? Give 2 examples for each.

Question 4

1. The ribs are attached to the ___________ at the back and to the _____________ in front.

2. Vertebral column is made of ________ number of bones and the skull is made up of ____________ number of bones.

3. What are organs?

4. What are the functions of the skeleton?

5. Mention the types of movable joint and give 2 examples for each.

6. Draw a neat and labeled diagram of the types of muscles.

Question 5

1. What are the sense organs?

2. What are the functions of the cerebrum?

3. ________ protects the underlying organs and is the sense organ of __________.

4. The order for reflex action comes from _____________.

5. What are the different types of nerves?

6. Label the parts of the eye.


Question 6

1. Birds have ___________ to keep themselves warm and penguins use __________ for swimming.

2. What is migration? Give two examples of animals that migrate.

3. What are Kharif crops? Give 2 examples of Kharif crops.

4. How do animals breathe? Give 1 example for each.

5. Mention any three ways by which crops can be protected.

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Science: Label the parts of the skeleton - mention any 4 ways by
Reference No:- TGS02369084

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