
Label and provide explanatory captions

Data & Results: Label and provide explanatory captions for all tables and figures. Discuss tables, figures, and equations in the text.

• The data collected during the experiment should be compared to literature values with references

• Reasoning for differences between experimental and literature values for wavelength should be given

• Identify the uncertainties in the H-atom measurements from Table 3 as random or systematic and explain.

• Discussion of light bulbs and LED observation and comparison with element line spectra

• Address the questions in narrative form NOT as a list of questions.

• Light bulbs:

i. Hand held grating versus spectroscope. How are the spectra the same? How are they different?
ii. Which light source looks the most like sunlight  (i.e. looks like daylight)
iii. Comparison of CFL’s  with Hg spectrum

• LED:

i. Are the led’s line sources or continuous?  Which color bends the most?  How does this compare with expectations from the diffraction grating equation?

• Conclusions  (Claim(s))


• Be sure to reference the source for the literature values.
• In-text citations are necessary especially for the discussion.

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Other Subject: Label and provide explanatory captions
Reference No:- TGS01430916

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