
Lab 10 - the student game - learn the combined use of timer

Lab 10 - The Student Game
- Learn the Combined use of Timer and the tracking of user interactions

app.java, myJFrame.java, myJPanel.java, and other necessary Java files

The objective of the lab is to create a game in which the player has to click on a moving student-button to score.
1. The student button has to move constantly (using the timer)
2. The application has to keep the score
3. The actual score has to be shown.
4. Implement at least one of the extras listed below (#3 to #7)
- level of difficulty: High
- level of usefulness for the final project: Very High

Suggestion: start with the basic timer Java example and made the necessary changes to it.
Suggested steps:
#1 get the student button moving
you need the get timer started
you need a null layout (https://www.dropbox.com/s/629kis94z9v6p3l/Lab10.zip?dl=0)
you need to set a different position for the button every time the timer ticks
#2 keep the score on a separate button, every click on the student button increases the score by 1.
when these two are working, then:
#3 changes the image of the student button when it is clicked
when #3 is implemented, then:
#4 add a slider to make the button move faster or slower
- you need to use the setDelay() method applied to the timer.
when #4 is implemented, then:
#5 makes the movement smooth instead of jumping from one place to another place very far away.
#6 makes the student-button run faster when the mouse approaches it

Work thus far can be found here:

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Basic Computer Science: Lab 10 - the student game - learn the combined use of timer
Reference No:- TGS0955744

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