
L a b lllld c be any three events defined on a

Let A, B, lllld C be any three events defined on a sample space S. I.el N( A ), N ( D), N (C), N( A n B), N( A n C), N ( B n C), and N ( A n B n C) denote the n umbers of outcomes in all the different intersections in which A , B. and C are i n volved. Use a Venn diagram to suggest a formula for N( A u B u C). Hint: Start with the sum N( A) + N( B) + N(C) and use the Venn diagram to iden tify the "adjustment that need to be made to that sum before iL can equal N( A u B u C). As a precedent, recall from p. 35 that N (A u 8) = N( A) + N( B) - N( A n B). There, in the case of two events, subtracting N( A n B) is the··adjustment."

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Dissertation: L a b lllld c be any three events defined on a
Reference No:- TGS01293806

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