REL 4035 Essay Questions
All Minimum 200 Words each
Question 1
Kushner writes, "I suspect that most people most of the time do not feel happy?" Do you think Kushner is right? Why or why not? Does this statement apply to you?
Question 2
Have you typically thought of yourself as "religious?" What do you think now that you have read Kushner's idea that being religious is having a desire for meaning in your life?
Question 3
Have you ever felt bad about feeling so good? What made you feel this way? Has Kushner helped you understand where those feelings come from?
Question 4
Can a person ever be too educated or know too much?
Essay Questions (Assessments) - I'm looking for depth and detail, a few sentences will not cut it. If you make a claim, back it up, explain yourself, unpack it. Education isn't about spouting opinions, it is about making thoughtful, informed claims and conclusions. I'm not looking for you to agree with me...but I am looking for you to have solid, reasonable, rational, explanations of why you are writing what you are writing.
Course Textbooks:
Kushner, H. (2002). When all you've ever wanted isn't enough: The search for a life that matters. New York, NY: Simon & Schuster.
Schwehn, M. R., & Bass, D. C. (Eds.). (2006). Leading lives that matter: What we should do and who we should be. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans.
A Bible: Seek a modern translation from the original languages as opposed to a translation of a translation