Question 1: Describe asymptotic notations of an algorithm.
Question 2: Write down Kruskal algorithm. Apply Kruskal algorithm to find out minimum spanning tree of the given graph.
Question 3: Describe knapsack problem with appropriate instance by using dynamic programming method.
Question 4: Describe Depth-First search (Hamiltonian Circuit) problems with appropriate example by using back tracking.
Question 5: Solve traveling sales men problem by using branch and bound method.
Question 6: Explain different representations of graphs.
Question 7: Describe quick sort method by using divide - and - conquer method.
Question 8: Write about strassan’s matrix multiplication.
Question 9: Explain warshalls Algorithm with dynamic programming methods.
Question 10: Describe the optimal binary search tree by using dynamic programming.
Question 11: Describe four queen problem by using back tracking.
Question 12: Write short notes on the branch and bound method.