
Kruskal algorithm for minimum spanning tree

Q1. Construct an AVL search tree from the set of values given below:

H, I, J, B, A, E, C, F, D, G, K, L

Q2. Illustrate that the total running time of merge-sort is O (n log n).

Q3. Write down the Kruskal’s algorithm to find out a minimum spanning tree of the Graph.

Q4. Given the characters S with the given probability P = <29, 25, 20, 12, 05, 09>. Create a binary tree by using greedy Huffman algorithm.

Q5. Given the two sequences of characters:

P =
Q =

Get the longest common subsequence.

Q6. Describe the Knuth Morries Pratt (KMP) algorithm. Calculate whether the pattern P = 10100111 is present in the string T = 1001010100111 or not.

Q7. Given the four matrices P5*4, Q4*6, R6*2, T2*7, find out the optimal sequence for the calculation of multiplication operation.

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Data Structure & Algorithms: Kruskal algorithm for minimum spanning tree
Reference No:- TGS010722

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