
known you that i wessell webling of london

Known you that I, Wessell Webling of London, brewer,f ro and in consideration that I have been furnished and set out and am to be transported unto Virginia at the cost and charges of Edward Bennett of London, merchant,. . . to maintain me with sufficient meat, drink, and apparel, do, by these presents, bind my self an apprentice unto Edward Bennett for the full term of three years. . . . And at the end of the said term. . . Edward Bennett do promise to give. . . a house and 50 acres of land in Virginia to hold to me, my heirs, and assigns forever...
Explain Webling's legal status in colonial Virginia? What were his rights and responsibilities? What other groups of people lived in colonial America under other sets of legal disabilities? Explain.

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History: known you that i wessell webling of london
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