
Knowledge of management functions-behaviors and skills


You work in the Human Resources department of your organization. You have been charged with recruiting a manager for a department within the Services division. The Vice-President of the Services division stresses to you that, "This department hasn't had a good manager in years. I need someone who can take charge, organize things, get people motivated and working again." Based on her comments/expectations and your knowledge of management functions, behaviors and skills, draft the following:

A list of five to ten questions that you will use during the interview process that go beyond the information you can gain from the candidate's application or resume. These should give you insight into why the candidate can fulfill the requirements outlined by the HR manager.

A description of the types of characteristics and experience that you will look for in the candidate. Be specific and include the various management functions and roles that this individual must have experience with, as well as the skills they must possess to be effective.

Remember to use the Library or other Web resources to support your argument. Be sure to cite your sources using the correct standard of APA.

Your report must include a reference list. All research should be cited in the body of the paper. Your report should contain a short introduction and conclusion in addition to the body of the paper.

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Business Management: Knowledge of management functions-behaviors and skills
Reference No:- TGS01928666

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