
Knowledge management-information systems management


A description, example, and definition of knowledge management as it relates to information systems management?

What is knowledge management as it relates to information systems management?

Need a description and example of the definition.


1). What is knowledge management as it relates to information systems management?

2). Need a description and example of the definition.

3). What is Knowledge Management (KM)?

Knowledge tells you how to comprise strategies, practice(s), method(s), or how to approach it (how).

Knowledge management (KM) is the sharing of perspectives of collections and a dissemination of knowledge, in order to benefit an organization and their individuals. KM provides a decision-making tools and data to the individuals at all levels of an organization, which eliminates redundant work from being done and improve the organizations decision-making abilities. KM becomes a needful tool as a small organization grows and develops into a larger one because, when there are only a small amount of employees, they are able to remain in constant contact with each other and share their knowledge directly. But as an organization grows into a larger organization and the organization is separated into individual groups or functional units, it then becomes more difficult to keep open lines of communication and/or encourage the sharing of ideas. In essence, KM is a way in which technology can be used to facilitate the process of collaboration, across an organization. Knowledge that is embedded into each individual can be collaborated amongst many and be applied by others in their day-to-day operation for strategic usage.

What is an information system management?

Information relates to a description, defines the definition, or underline perspective(s) (who, what, when, and/or where).

Information system management is the day-to-day internal operations needed and used, to run an organization. Within an organization, a series of management functions can be openly provided to key individuals through effective information systems, in addition to supporting decision-making, collaboration, and control to allow workers and managers the tools needed to analyze problems, create new and innovated products, and visualize complex subjects. This could range from the components used to retrieve, store, process, and even disseminate information to key individuals, in order to support the decision-making process.

What is knowledge management as it relates to information systems management?

Information systems management is used to enable and serve management and their employees, through the management/flow of information within their organization, in order to achieve the goal of their organization.

Within any form of an organization i.e. rather big or small, the organization functions effectively on the information provided to them that's used across the entire organization, as a decision-making tool, in order to make a knowledgeable decision on a day-to-day basis, which is used to better the organization as a whole.

The way knowledge management relates to information management is that, in order for an organization to gain a competitive advantage, their workers must have be the knowledge or tools at their disposal or beforehand, which would allow them to leveraging on that knowledge i.e. eliminate redundancy by providing individuals within that organization a competitive edge by having this pre-knowledge, and allowing them to make better and more informed decisions with this pre-knowledge. Individuals within organizations can improve their performance by simply sharing their knowledge amongst one another through various activities i.e. training, research, or from day-to-day socialization process. In sharing their up-to-date and specialized knowledge, individuals can improve their organizations productivity, and at the same time upgrade their organizations competencies.


This example uses Krispy Kremem's projected construction data for their 147 new stores, their historical data trends, investors data, information, knowledge, and wisdom relate to this investment.


Krispy Kreme Donuts was founded July 13, 1937 by Vernon Rudolph. The first Krispy Kreme opened in Winston-Salem, NC, sold to Beatrice Foods in 1973, and purchased by original Franchise owners in 1982. Krispy Kreme. They currently have 325 investors, and their average shares are trading at $250, a share. Average annually donut sales are 3 million, and counting.

Krispy Kreme is looking to construct 147 new stores in 27 different states, in order to bring in new jobs to our failing economy. In order for them to construct these stores, they are looking to advertise in these states for contractors to get their stores built, and employees to work in these stores. Currently, Krispy Kremem has spent 7 million of their 22 million dollars budget on advertisitng, pre-payment of vendors, and the purchase of supplies. Till now, they have vendors that have been paid upfront 6 million but, they have 8 vendors that were pre-paid and have cancelled out on the construction and design of 10 of the needed sketches for the new stores. They are short $1,657,500.


Investors are being asked to front $5100.00 a piece, amongst 325 of them, in order to cover additional unseen cost, and wait till the end of the first year of complete construction, in order to collect on their investment. Krispy Kremem stocks are currently trading at $250. A share, and with the new stores opening, investors are forecasting an increase in stock of over $160, within the first year.

Knowledge: If investors contribute $5100 a piece, and their return on their investment is 10% interest yearly, then at the end of one year the investment firm will compute the interest of $9 and add it to my principal and I will have $5110 at the end of their return. This pattern is a representation of knowledge, which, clearly understood, allows Krispy Kreme and their investors to see and understand just how the pattern will evolve over time and a pre-look at their underline production results.


By have a clear understanding of the pattern, Investors and share holder have the knowledge and information to effective manage for the outcome. They are able to see the amount of interest they will earn, what the stock is projected to yield, and how not making this investment could potentially hurt the company as a hold. Also, investors are able to donate more, in order to help with production and get a bigger return in the end. Having the wisdom of all factors beforehand, allows all parties to effectively manage their decision(s).

Keisha Bess

OTA 106524

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