
Knowledge management and information systems strategy

Assessment brief

This assessment includes a total of 3 questions. The first question is a group work question, the second and third questions are for your individual written work.



1) Read the questions thoroughly.

2) There are a total of 100 Marks for the written assessment. A mark of 50% or greater is required to pass the assessment.

3) You will need to provide evidence of your research to support your arguments, (avoid using a lot of internet sites).

4) It will not be sufficient to just write a descriptive report, no matter how good an account you provide. It is important, therefore, that you draw on and refer to appropriate theory for your critique.


Group Work

1. You will be part of a group that will deliver a presentation on ONE of the following:

a. A presentation that provides an overview on Cloud Computing service models and platforms for supporting enterprise systems such as ERP, CRM or SCM.

b. A presentation that provides an overview of the how Enterprise 2.0 tools can be applied in the context of Knowledge management.
The presentation will be limited to a maximum of 10 minutes

The presentations will take place on Thursday 13th August 2015 from 9 a.m. A selection of presentations will be filmed

This portion of the work is marked out of 100 and is worth 10 % of the total mark

Individual Work
It is recommended that you use research you have developed in your group work to feed into your individual assignments. However, please be aware that this is an individual assignment and you should not collaborate on this portion of the assessment.

2. Critically evaluate the opportunities and challenges of either Cloud Based ERP OR Cloud Based CRM systems in meeting business goals. It is strongly suggested that your discussion should be supported by journal articles and case studies, published over the last eight years, from sources such as Athens and Google

Scholar that provide examples from business and academia. Your discussion should not include a history of Cloud Computing.

3. Enterprise 2.0 is the application of web 2.0 technology within organisations. Research a range of companies that have introduced Enterprise 2.0 technologies for Knowledge sharing using articles and case studies from sources such as Athens and Google Scholar. From your research identify what you consider to be:

a. Three key reasons, from an employee's perspective, to be motivated to use such tools to share knowledge. Justify your answers.
b. Three key barriers, from an employee's perspective, to use such tools to share knowledge. Justify your answers.
c. Critically assess how a manager could use the points raised in parts 3a and 3b to improve knowledge sharing practises within an organisation that uses Enterprise 2.0 technology.

Structure, referencing, use of language including use of Harvard Referencing System

Assessment submission structure

The assignment has the role of a professional report and it should be one. It must, at the minimum, include:
- Title page
- Table of contents
- Introduction
- Main section(s) Use the marking scheme sections as a guide
- References
- Appendixes (if relevant)

The references should include academic, web-based and professional sources. It is important to show that you understand the limitations of the web sources and appreciate the significance of the professional and academic ones. This is reflected in the number and the quality of the used sources.

For this level, a minimum of 15-20 references is required as evidence of broader reading. References must be cited using the Harvard Referencing Style.

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Management Information Sys: Knowledge management and information systems strategy
Reference No:- TGS02415137

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