Knowing what information is available and how to navigate

The federal tax laws are indeed complicated. However, the United States government has provided resources to help citizens find answers to basic tax questions.

Knowing what information is available and how to navigate the website will assist you in basic tax research. The following Assignment will provide you with practice in this area.

Complete the following numbered items and submit a Word document that addresses each item:

1. Go to the IRS website ( ). Take a screenshot of the home page and add it to your Word document. Label the screenshot as Item # 1.

2. Find the Federal Income tax Form 1040 for the current year. Take a screenshot and add it as Item # 2 in your Word document.

3. Enter your name and address on the Federal Tax Form 1040 and take a screenshot. Add that as Item # 3 in your Word document.

4. Go to the IRS website ( ) and find Code Section 61.Take a screenshot of that Web page and add that as Item # 4 in your Word document.

5. Visit the Joint Committee on Taxation website ( ) or the United States Treasury website ( Find an argument against 16th Amendment by reviewing on of these websites. Take a screenshot of the website page and add it as Item # 5 of your Word document.

6. In a separate Word document, write a 200-250-word paper using APA style. Present your thesis statement and references. Topic: Summarize the argument which formed the debate of the 16th Amendment.

The debate studied should only include the debate and discussion made as the new Constitutional Amendment was being crafted.

Do not include discussion related to the current fraudulent claims that the federal income tax is unconstitutional. Your paper should include a proper APA (6th Edition) running header and cover page.

7. Submit both documents to the Dropbox for Unit 1.

Why Repealing the 16th Amendment Probably Wouldn't Matter: Tax Analysts.

Retrieved from

Joint Committee on Taxation: Retrieved from

United States Department of Treasury: Retrieved

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Dissertation: Knowing what information is available and how to navigate
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