
Kinds of reactions to work-related distress

Any help that you could give me is much appreciated.

Stress and the Salesperson:

It's all Andrea can think of-the oil, the oil, the oil. That and the president. The president is fighting terrorism. That's good. That threatens Middle East oil. That's bad. The company I work for imports products from China and business is increasing. That's good. But if the oil exports slow from the terrorism thing, then the ships can't get products across the Pacific and I won't have anything to sell and then I have no money and why do I all of sudden have to have my territory taken away and now I have to cover the city? Sales might be better there. That's good. There might not be enough oil. That's bad. It's the president's fault!

Well, I won't take the new territory! Look how many customers I would have. More than triple what I have now. Can I set up my own sales call, like now? Nooooo! Brad Fredricks, the city sales manager, tells the entire salesforce where to go, and when. I'd like to tell him where to . . . well that's it! I hate it, I hate it, IHATE it! I couldn't even sleep the last week. I thought it all over and, and I hate it! I hate it and my stomach hurts. My head hurts too.

I'll quit. No, I'll threaten to quit. Right! No! I'll tell them I can't do it. If they want me to go to a new territory, with their appointments, then I don't know how to do nothin'! Maybe I forgot how to call on customers when it isn't on my schedule. And look at this traffic!

"Hey pal, I only got two nerves left and you're getting on both of them!"

If there isn't any oil, why do we need a president? And why do I have to make more sales calls in the morning than the afternoon. Stupid Brad. I'm not a morning person. More calls, more morning calls . . . got to think of something oil, I mean something else. I am NOT taking this! I'm telling Brad I quit. I don't need more money. This isn't my fault. Ooh, I'm ready to explode here because I won't be able to pay my bills because of the oil, in the city, with the schedule I have to use that I don't want to, and I'll quit or scream or both!


Problem 1. What general type of distress does Andrea have here and what type of general reaction has she chosen? Support your answer.

Problem 2. What are the two causes of her distress? Support your answer.

Problem 3. What two kinds of reactions to work-related distress is Andrea exhibiting? Support your answer.

Problem 4. Where is Andrea in the three stages of stress and what stage is coming next?

Problem 5. Andrea seems a little frustrated. What four stress responses to this frustration are seen here? Cite supporting examples from Andrea's thoughts.

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Prepared by a verified Expert
Other Management: Kinds of reactions to work-related distress
Reference No:- TGS01771496

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