
Keywords that are based on relevance of search intent

Assignment task: I have a question for you. I'm trying to come up with some new keywords that are based on relevance of search intent and current ranking. Aren't these the same thing though? A keyword based on relevance of search intent would be to improve upon a keyword or keyword phrase already being used to improve the ranking and increase search traffic from this term. A keyword based on current ranking would be a term that is highly relevant that people would mostly likely be searching for. A keyword based on relevance of search intent would be a term that is highly relevant that people would mostly likely be searching for. A keyword based on current ranking would be to improve upon a keyword or keyword phrase already being used to improve the ranking and increase search traffic from this term. A keyword based on relevance of search intent would be to create keyword phrases that have a high search demand. A keyword based on current ranking would be a keyword that multiple websites already target.

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Other Subject: Keywords that are based on relevance of search intent
Reference No:- TGS03416506

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