
Keys to the

Welcome to the fourth case study for this course.

A recent California Commission of Police Officers Standards and Training article purports that it is time for criminal justice organizations to evolve to affectively meet the needs of the future.

Required Reading

Bayley, D. H. and Shearing C. D. (July, 2001). The New Structure of Policing: Description, Conceptualization, and Research Agenda. U.S. Department of Justice. Retrieved March 17, 2013 from https://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles1/nij/187083.pdf.

Case Assignment
Discuss the forces or pressures that are precipitating the need for newer, contemporary and alternative management approaches in today's complex criminal justice organizations. Identify those that warrant special consideration, and evaluate them in terms of potential effectiveness in today's complex societal and budgetary needs.

Explain and support your views with reference to ideas from the background readings and any other relevant sources that you have found on the internet. I want you to use at least 3 different sources beyond those given in the Background readings, all of which should be annotated on your References page and cited within the body of your paper.

Keys to the Assignment

The key aspects of this assignment that should be covered in your paper include:

Examining what existing contributors influence the need for alternative management strategies in criminal justice organizations.
Evaluating the need for criminal justice managers to modify their management style to meet the needs of the evolving criminal justice organization.
Examining what influence societal and budgetary constraints and needs effect and affect criminal justice managers and their managerial style.

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