
Key instructional strategies geared toward facilitating


"Memory, Cognition, and The Brain, as They Relate to Adult Learners" Please respond to the following:

· Recommend key instructional strategies geared toward facilitating the transfer of knowledge to long-term memory. Next, suggest approaches that instructors may use in order to compensate for the challenges of storage information storage and retrieval that occur with age.

· From the e-Activity, compare the results of the two (2) quizzes / tests that you have taken. Distinguish the common thread(s)-or lack thereof-that the results yielded. Next, suggest which type of knowledge-i.e., procedural or procedural-would yield the best results with an adult learner like you. Provide a rationale for your response.

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Other Subject: Key instructional strategies geared toward facilitating
Reference No:- TGS02019081

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