
Key elements on conducting business presentations


Wordplay Greeting Cards has retained your firm for one last project. Specifically, they would like you to create the materials and presentation for the results of your research (the research you summarized in the Unit Individual Project) and present this to four separate groups as follows:

* Corporate Office
* Region Offices (4 across country) - to Region staff
* Store Managers - Store Managers and Assistants
* Store Employees

Pick one of these groups and discuss how you would present these results. You should address the following questions:

* How would you convey the material?

* What types of handouts would you use?

* Would it be a PowerPoint presentation or just an e-mail?

* If a PowerPoint presentation, describe how you would create it for this group (keeping in mind that presentations change based on your audience.)

* Would you use a newsletter or present these results in person?

* Other issues as relevant?

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Other Management: Key elements on conducting business presentations
Reference No:- TGS01791701

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