Kepler hits the large mgr at the radius shown she sticks lo

1) Kepler (mass M) is playing at the local park. Due to some fantastically convenient urban planning. there are two merry-go-rounds (MGR) right next to each other. Kepler starts by sitting on the edge of the small MGR (mass 2M). rotating with it at an angular velocity of wo.The large MGR (mass 4M) is currently stationary. The MGRs can be modeled as solid disks.

2.) Kepler hits the large MGR at the radius shown. She sticks Lo it (at that radius) and they begin to rotate. What is the angular velocity (wF) of the Kepler-Large-MGR system? Your final answer should be in terms of R and V only.


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Physics: Kepler hits the large mgr at the radius shown she sticks lo
Reference No:- TGS01282346

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