
Keep track of the running sum of the rolls

Problem 1: Dice

Write a program that simulates rolling one die using the following steps:

1. Prompt the user for the number of sides on the die.
2. "Roll" the die three times by generating a random number between 1 (inclusive) and the number of sides (inclusive).
3. Keep track of the running sum of the rolls for the die and output the sum and average for the three rolls at the end.
4. You can set up one integer variable named roll, and reuse it with each roll of the die. You will also need a variable named total, initialized to zero.

Sample Output:

How many sides on die? 6
First roll = 5
Second roll = 1
Third roll = 3
Die total = 9 
Average roll = 3 

How many sides on die? 20
First roll = 14
Second roll = 20
Third roll = 9
Die total = 43 
Average roll = 14.333

Problem 2: Formatting Output

The following source code contains a partial program that computes the cost of buying an item at the deli. Save the program to your directory and do the following: 

1. Study the program to understand what it does.

2. Add the import statements to import the DecimalFormat and NumberFormat classes. 

3. Add the statement to declare money to be a NumberFormat object as specified in the comment. 

4. Add the statement to declare fmt to be a DecimalFormat object as specified in the comment. 

5. Add the computation statements for the weight and total price.

6. Add the statements to print a label in the following format (the numbers in the example output are correct for input of $4.25 per pound and 41 ounces). Use the formatting object money to print the unit price and total price and the formatting object fmt to print the weight to 2 decimal places. 

***** CS Deli *****

Unit Price: $4.25 per pound
Weight: 2.56 pounds

TOTAL: $10.89

// ********************************************************
// DeliFormat.java
// Computes the price of a deli item given the weight
// (in ounces) and price per pound -- prints a label, 
// nicely formatted, for the item.
// ********************************************************

import java.util.Scanner;

public class Deli
// ---------------------------------------------------
// main reads in the price per pound of a deli item
// and number of ounces of a deli item then computes
// the total price and prints a "label" for the item
// --------------------------------------------------

public static void main (String[] args)
final double OUNCES_PER_POUND = 16.0;

double pricePerPound; // price per pound
double weightOunces; // weight in ounces
double weight; // weight in pounds 
double totalPrice; // total price for the item

Scanner scan = new Scanner(System.in);

// Declare money as a NumberFormat object and use the
// getCurrencyInstance method to assign it a value

// Declare fmt as a DecimalFormat object and instantiate
// it to format numbers with at least one digit to the left of the
// decimal and the fractional part rounded to two digits.

// prompt the user and read in each input
System.out.println ("Welcome to the CS Deli!!n ");

System.out.print ("Enter the price per pound of your item: ");
pricePerPound = scan.nextDouble();

System.out.print ("Enter the weight (ounces): ");
weightOunces = scan.nextDouble();

// Convert ounces to pounds and compute the total price

// Print the label using the formatting objects 
// fmt for the weight in pounds and money for the prices

Problem 3: Candy Bar Problem

1. Write a Java program to determine how many cartons are needed to package candy bars. A carton holds 24 candy bars.

The user enters the number of candy bars. The program displays the number of cartons. Note that if the user enters 25, the number of cartons = 2.

Review page 85 for a possible math method.

Problem 4: Cookie Problem

2. A bag of cookies holds 40 cookies. The calorie information on the bag states that there are 10 servings in the bag, and each serving equals 300 calories. Write a Java program that requests the user to enter how many cookies were eaten and then displays how many calories were consumed. 

First determine how many calories are in one cookie. 

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Programming Languages: Keep track of the running sum of the rolls
Reference No:- TGS0112687

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