1. Keep in mind that there is usually more than one effective approach to resolving the conflict. A case is a conflict resolution-solving situation, and conflict management effectiveness often depends upon seeing different possible solutions.
2. Offer your ideas, substantiating them with facts from the case and course material. Don't fall into the trap of being told, That's an interesting idea, but you have no data or case facts to support your conclusions.
3. Be assertive, yet professional and respectful in questioning or disagreeing with a classmate. Case discussions are an important opportunity to refine interpersonal skills. I see some drawbacks to your proposal or I'm wondering if you considered the effects of X on Y creates a much different climate than You're wrong or That's not a good idea. Adopt an open-minded stance. Entertain new ideas from others and consider how your recommendations might change in light of these new insights.
4. Write down new ideas that occur to you and make note of any theories or course concepts brought to bear that you did not apply in your initial analysis.
5. Evaluate the discussion and your participation in it. What could you do to improve in the next case study discussion?