
Keep in mind that completing this td is the key to

Keep in mind that completing this TD is the key to assisting you with the Week 4 Assignment, My Leadership Development SMART Goal. Use the format below to develop a leadership SMART goal for YOURSELF, not your organization or department. The goal needs to be related to ONE of the Institute of Medicine's (IOM) quality initiative, which includes five core healthcare profession competencies. However, your assignment focuses on only two of the initiatives. These are Patient-Centered Care or Working in Interdisciplinary and/or Interprofessional Teams. One of these competencies will serve as a framework for identification of your leadership goal.

NOTE: Your two choices are Patient-Centered Care or Working in Interdisciplinary and/or Interprofessional Teams.

SMART Goal Format:

S-Specific (Who, besides YOU is involved in your goal, what is YOUR goal, and where will it take place?)

M-Measurable (How are YOU going to achieve the goal?)

A-Attainable (What resources and/or experts are available to assist YOU with attaining your goal?)

R-Realistic (Is YOUR goal something that is realistically obtainable by YOU in YOUR professional practice? Explain.)

T-Time bound (What specific dates or weeks will YOU accomplish each task related to YOUR leadership goal?)

Again, this goal is about YOUR leadership development...not a SMART goal for your department or the organization for which you work.

Your instructor will give you specific feedback about your Goal as preparation for the My Leadership SMART Goal assignment, which is due Week 4.

Your leadership goal should be about YOU! Take some time to think through the difference between a goal in which you focus on changes in yourself - not on changes in the behavior of others. How can you improve your leadership?

Choose ONE of the IOM core competencies to develop a SMART goal

Ask yourself is there is something that I need to improve about myself to make me an effective leader? How can I improve and/or affect myself directly, while at the same time have a positive influence on others around me. What is it you want to accomplish? Once you identify a goal you'd like to achieve, use the format below to state your SMART goal.

S - Start your goal with the words "I will" and then be specific about what you want to do. Remember, this has to be a goal you yourself can accomplish and that supports your own development as a leader.

M - Start this statement with the words "This goal will be successful if..." and then choose a measure of success. Remember that not all goals are possible to complete by the time you write your paper in this class - so you want to have something substantial measurable.

A - List all the resources you'll use to achieve your goal. This will include at a minimum the library database, a credible website, and an expert on the area your goal addresses. The goal you write will be used for your project so please be sure you can find credible websites and articles to support your goal.

R - Tell me why your goal is realistic. Tell me why it matters - what will improve as the result of this goal?

T - List all the steps you need to follow to achieve your goal including specific dates/weeks you think each will be done. Those steps for the SMART goal in your paper will include things like the interview with an expert and the article search in a database, implementation.

Then show what it looks like in a short paragraph as the example. This will help you focus your goal.

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Dissertation: Keep in mind that completing this td is the key to
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