Assignment: Temperature Dependent Resistivity of Tungsten.
Objective: To appreciate the degree of work done in the last 100 years in the electrical characterization of metals. You will also learn to present experimental data using Excel.
(1) Plot the empirical resistivity of tungsten versus temperature in Excel or any other graphing software (Matlab, SigmaPlot etc).
You may use the data presented in the following attached paper:
H. A. Jones, A temperature scale for tungsten, Physical Review, 28 (1926), pp. 202 - 207 Or if you wish you may use data from other sources (make sure you cite the appropriate work).
(2) Fit the empirical data with two different trend lines (linear and 2nd order polynomial) as shown above. Display the trend line equation as well as the goodness-of-fit R2.
(3) Which trend line is a better fit for the empirical data and why?