Kants theory of duty-based ethics


Teleological theories focus on the relationship between actions and the consequences or results of those actions. Deontological theories focus on the duties managers have when conducting business, such as the duty to tell the truth.

• Many ethicists have asserted that the rightness or fairness of an action can be determined by looking at its results or consequences. Provide an example of an action in a business context, and a possible result, and analyze whether it was right or fair.

• Kant's theory of duty-based ethics suggests that one should act only on rules that one would be willing to see everyone follow. In the business context, utilize this principle to provide an example of a rule that you would want all employees to follow. Provide an example of a rule that you would not want all employees to follow. Discuss your rationale for each.

• Provide an example of a legal right provided to employees and discuss whether this right enforces a moral right or obligation.

I need some help in answering these questions:

1. From your personal experience, give two examples of ethical dilemmas. Give two examples of ethical dilemmas you have experienced as a member of an organization.

2. Using the examples you provided for question 1, identify one or more of the guides to personal decision making or ethical tests that you think would have helped you resolve your dilemmas. Describe how it would have helped.

3. Which is most important in ethics principles consequences or duty? Discuss.

4. Assume that you are in your first managerial position. Identify five ways in which you might provide ethical leadership. Rank them in terms of importance, and be prepared to explain your ranking.

5. What do you think about the idea of codes of conduct? Give three reasons why an organization ought to have a code of conduct, and three reasons why an organization should not have a code of conduct. On balance, how do you regard codes of conduct?

6. A lively debate is going on in this country concerning whether business ethics can and should be taught in business schools. Do you support this argument? Substantiate your point with reasons. Can top managers and board members be taught business ethics?

7. Identify and prioritize the best practices for improving the organization's ethical climate. What are the strengths and weaknesses of each?

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Business Law and Ethics: Kants theory of duty-based ethics
Reference No:- TGS02015389

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