
Kant categorical imperative-america ethical dilemma

The change in American values has been portrayed, in general, by move away from traditional Judeo-Christian ethics toward diversity, relativism, and self-fulfillment. The end outcome has been a reduced base of universal moral norms and a subsequent interest in, and concern about, resolving ethical conflict.

Using Kant, Immanuel's reasoning regarding his categorical imperative, how can we apply it to an ethical dilemma facing the United States?

The moral decline in America has been well-documented and lamented. The erosion of the nuclear family as the building block of society is nearly complete. The emotional, physical and sexual abuse of children is rampant and in some circles accepted. The glorification of violence and pornography has made its way from seedy theatres to mainstream living rooms in less than half a century.

Immanuel Kant decried the philosophies of his day that legitimized immoral behavior and anti-social behavior. He proposed instead his categorical imperative as a way to determine moral behavior. The categorical imperative has three parts to it.

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Other Subject: Kant categorical imperative-america ethical dilemma
Reference No:- TGS034962

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