
Juvenile delinquency treatment program in community


Prepare a written analytical report (3 to 4 pages) on a juvenile delinquency treatment program in your community or any community of your choice. You were asked by the government to assess the juvenile delinquency program you selected in order to reform the existing program and perhaps add a few new ones. The government wants to increase reliance on alternative to incarceration programs, but needs to know if the current program is working. The government is thinking about adding more community programs, counseling, and after-school jobs for older juveniles.

•    What is the name of the program you are assessing?
•    Where is the program located?
•    Have there been any studies completed on the effectiveness of the program you are reviewing for the assignment? What were the results of these studies? If no studies were done, would this have been informative?
•    What (if any) positive impact is the program providing for the community and the delinquents?
•    Will the program help to curb juvenile delinquency? Why?
•    What are the negative aspects of the program you reviewed?
•    Give specific suggestions for improving the program (none is not an appropriate answer here, there are always manners in which programs can be improved).
•    Explain your reasoning for supporting or eliminating the program.

Be sure to reference all sources using APA style

Write your answer in 3 to 4 pages in APA FORMAT and also include references.

In cases that involve identity theft, the criminal justice system protects the people but respects the rights of the accused. Answer the following questions:

•    If a person steals another person's identity but does not cause any monetary damage, has a crime been committed? Why or why not?
•    How have these laws changed over the recent years?
•    Search the Internet to find the federal laws and the laws in a state of your choice that apply to this matter, and provide the details.
APA format

Write your answer in 9 to 15 paragraphs in APA format and also include references.

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Business Law and Ethics: Juvenile delinquency treatment program in community
Reference No:- TGS01865797

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