
Justify your selection with proof

Assignment task: Your four person team will choose RATAN TATA, who is an example of an Indian Industrialist. You will, however, have to justify your selection with proof this individual has or is doing things the "average" person would find difficult to do. Standing up for others, putting others before themselves, sacrificing their well being for the sake of others or the planet.             

Make sure you acknowledge any negative attributes your subject may have and that the positives overall outweigh the negatives. Presentation should last approx. 12 minutes with a 5 minute q and a afterwards.

You will document your research in a two page essay type report which will be due one week after the presentations so you can incorporate any new information that may come to light in the class discussion. The presentation and the written portion are worth 10% each. You will be graded on content and the ability to defend your content from any questions that may arise. Oral skills including your ability to be heard and enthusiasm will play a part in your grade. There will be individual grades for this on each team along with and overall grade for content. All team members must take part in presentation to achieve a grade. The time should be evenly spread between all members. These presentations will take place starting in week 11 or twelve. We will discuss this further in class and the order will be determined before the mid-term break.  Any questions let me know.

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Other Subject: Justify your selection with proof
Reference No:- TGS03292188

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