
Justify that your proposed problem is indeed problematic

Assignment task: Benny Factor is a wealthy philanthropist who is looking to donate money for someone to carry out a project that will improve humanity in some way, applying psychological science. He is willing to fund basic and applied projects, as long as they are grounded in empirical evidence, and are designed in such a way that their efficacy can be measured.

You must address the following points:

What is the real world problem that you are proposing to solve/research?

The chosen problem is SUBSTANCE ABUSE

What data is there to justify that your proposed problem is indeed problematic?  Provide references

What have others done to address this problem?  Provide references

Given the previous work that has been done on this problem, what is the gap that you intend to fill?

What will you specifically do to address this problem? Detail the plan.

How will you know if your project has an effect? How will you measure its effectiveness?

What are your hypothesized results?

What are the implications of your hypothesized results?

What are the limitations of your approach?

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Other Subject: Justify that your proposed problem is indeed problematic
Reference No:- TGS03327366

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