
Justice and jesuit higher education


Respond to ONE of the following prompts (which were included at the beginning of the readings)-meaning, choose either "Justice and Jesuit Higher Education" or Dept. Universality and Learned Ministry" and respond to one of the shaded bullet-point questions.

For Brackley, "Justice and Jesuit Higher Education":

• What action or policy can a Jesuit university take to promote one of Brackley's seven standards? Perhaps this is something that you have observed taking place: perhaps it is something that you offer as a suggestion. Either way. be concrete in your proposal. "Being more open to new ideas." for example. would be too abstract and vague. Please be thoughtful about which standards you and your group focus on (or avoid).

• How can Jesuit universities avoid becoming either a "confessional Catholic enclave" (like the SSPX chapter in St. Marys) or an expression of the "pure-reason paradigm of the Enlightenment" (like many American universities)? What specific steps would enable them to be an alternative?

Your initial posting should be around 200 to 300 words.


Justice and Jesuit Higher Education

By Dean Brackley, S.J.

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