
Just like a song has a melody around which everything else

Can You Hear the Melody?

Just like a song has a melody around which everything else revolves, so does a reading passage. The melody of a reading is called the main idea. This week's Discussion prompt is designed to build your skill in locating and responding to the main idea of a reading selection.

Once you have read your selected resource from the suite of readings on ethics or social media and privacy, respond by Day 2 to one of the following appropriate topics. Be sure to provide attribution for any outside sources, using APA formatting. Begin your Discussion post by restating the main idea of your selected reading.

Topic 1 (Ethics): The poet Robert Browning writes: "Ah, but a man's reach should exceed his grasp, or what's a heaven for?" The poet seems to say that a person should be able to dream more than he or she is able to achieve. Do you agree or disagree? Explain. Just because we know how to do something, does that mean we should do it? Consider any one of the articles on ethics. Write a 250-word persuasive paragraph in support of or opposition to the issue.

Topic 2 (Social Media and Privacy): Consider these questions about social media and privacy: Have you experienced an example of social media going too far, perhaps a posting you thought should not have been shared in this medium? What are the appropriate boundaries, if any, of social media usage? When using social media through a public forum, does the user give up his or her rights to privacy, or can the user reasonably expect that some degree or privacy can and should still be maintained? Consider any one of the articles on social media and privacy. Write a 250-word persuasive paragraph in support of or opposition to Internet privacy.


Writing a Melody of Your Own-Part 1

Main ideas and thesis sentences are really two sides of the same coin. Writers create thesis sentences. Readers pick out the main idea from what they read, which is usually the thesis sentence of the writer.

By Day 4,

Locate one additional article related to one of this week's case study topics, other than the one you used in your Discussion

  • Determine the main idea of the article
  • Complete the Source Quality Rating Document found in the Week 1 resources.
  • Craft a thesis sentence and topic outline that could be written in response to the article
  • Be sure to provide attribution, using APA formatting, for any sources used
  • Create one document that includes:
  • The outline you created
  • Your completed Source Quality Rating document

Note: To create one document, copy and paste all of the content of one of the documents into the other. Save this as a single file and submit it by Day 4.

When you submit your Assignment for grading, be sure to post the APA citation including the link to your chosen article in Doc Sharing. Also include the sentence you created stating the main idea or thesis of the story. Your contribution will help to build a library of resources that can be shared by everyone in the course.

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Reference No:- TGS01420201

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