
Just as you did for the thread provide integration of a

Discussion Board Respones


You are required to reply to the Case Study responses of four classmates. The classmates you choose to respond to should not have researched the same question as you. Each reply will include at least 2 original references and should be at least 250 words. The response should not be an agreement or disagreement with the initial post, but an evaluation of the author's analysis. All assertions must be supported by research and should not be based upon one's "feeling" or "opinion."

For each reply, the following headings should include:

Response to:

Classmate's Name, Case Study Name, Question Number


An evaluation written in current APA format, using third person.


Refer to the APA Manual for proper formatting.

Biblical integration:

Just as you did for the thread, provide integration of a biblical concept that supports your reply.


JetBlue Airways: Regaining Altitude; would you recommend a corporate advertising program for JetBlue?


Argenti, P. A. (2016). Corporate communication (7th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. ISBN: 9870073403274.

Hsu, K. (2012). The advertising effects of corporate social responsibility on corporate reputation and brand equity: evidence from the life insurance industry in taiwan. Journal of Business Ethics, 109(2), 189-201. doi:10.1007/s10551-011-1118-0

Kim, S. and Atkinson, L. (2014). Response toward corporate crisis and corporate advertising.

Journal of Promotion Management, 20, 647-665. doi: 10.1080/10496491.2014.946201.

Smith, K., Smith, L., and Dunbar, S. (2014). Using corporate advertising to improve public perception of energy companies. Journal of Strategic Marketing, 22 (4). 347-356. doi: 10.1080/0965254X.2013.876080

DB Forum 2: Sweet Leaf Tea

Ch. 3, Question 1: What are the strengths and weaknesses of SLT's corporate culture in terms of communications, as described in the case?


Argenti, P. A. (2013). Corporate Communication (7th ed). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill

Jones, R. (2012). Five ways branding is changing. Journal of Brand Management, 20(2), 77-79. doi:https://dx.doi.org/10.1057/bm.2012.51

Stegaroiu, I., & Talal, M. (2014). The importance of developing internal communication strategy. Valahian Journal of Economic Studies, 5(1), 63-70. Retrieved fromhttps://ezproxy.liberty.edu:2048/login?url=https://search.proquest.com/docview/1672099493?accountid=12085

Van Rensburg, D. J., (2012). Strategic brand venturing: the corporation as entrepreneur. Journal of Business Strategy, Vol. 33(3), 4-12. Retrieved fromhttps://www.emeraldinsight.com.ezproxy.liberty.edu:2048/doi/full/10.1108/02756661211224951

Market Dynamism
Jeffrey Daugherty
BMAL 604-D01

Key term and why you are interested in it

The selected key term for discussion is "Market Dynamism." The interest in this term is based on the importance that it has for managers of global organizations. By researching the term and gaining a better knowledge of how like the global market operates and functions leaders are able to guide the companies through difficult phases. This paper will expound on the definition provided by Dr. Satterlee and will highlight the multiple areas management must be able to understand and utilize in the global market.

Explanation of the Key Term

Dr. Satterlee's explained the market dynamism as "the rate of change of customer preferences, market segments and demand patterns" (Satterlee, 2014). Market dynamism along with technological advances creates the larger concept of "environmental turbulence". By gaining understanding of the technological advances and customer preferences managers can lead the global entities successfully.

Major article summary

To further the research of market dynamism students must examine multiple topics that are closely related to the topic. For this research the article that furthered the understanding of the key concept was one that addressed the issue of practical leadership and how leaders can understand the concepts required to address the key topic. Transformational leadership and managers" ambidexterity: Mediating role of environmental dynamism explains the importance that manager and leaders have during the times of turbulence. Their study concludes that through "transformational leadership (positively) influences on managers ambidexterity and this relationship will be stronger in a more dynamic environment"(Purvee, A & Enkhtuvshin, D. 2014).


The chosen article discusses the importance for managers to be able to monitor and adjust during times of environmental turbulence of which market dynamism creates. When leadership is transformational it affects how the employees react and when transformational leaders possess "stronger knowledge competencies"(Satterlee, 2014) they are able to guide and mentor their employees to impact the global market.
Other articles that were considered during research of the term evaluated the importance of customer social responsibility and customer preference (Tingchi, Anthony Wong, Rongwei & Tseng 2014). In other articles the authors addressed the relation that customers changing demands and organizations ability to provide products and platform for the product to operate successfully (Thomas, 2014). Another article also addressed the relation between management and performance; this article viewed the relationship from the environmental turbulence view and how it affects the business performance (Pratono & Mahmood, 2014). There is plenty of other scholarly work that addresses the importance of how management reacts to the environmental turbulence and the market dynamism that exist.


Pratono, A. H., & Mahmood, R. (2014). The moderating effect of environmental turbulence in the relationship between entrepreneurial management and firm performance. Universal Journal of Management, 2(7), 285-292.

Purvee, A., & Enkhtuvshin, D. (2014). Transformational leadership and managers" ambidexterity: Mediating role of environmental dynamism. International Journal of Innovation, Management and Technology, 5(6), 434-437.doi:https://dx.doi.org/10.7763/IJIMT.2014.V5.554

Satterlee, B. (2014). Cross border commerce: With biblical worldview application. (2nd ed.). Raleigh, NC: Synergistics International, Inc. ISBN: 9781934748121

Shi, L. H., & Wu, F. (2011, September). Dealing with market dynamism: the role of reconfiguration in global account management. Management International Review, 51(5), 635+. Retrieved fromhttps://dx.doi.org.ezproxy.liberty.edu:2048/10.1007/s11575-011-0090-3

Thomas, E. F. (2014). Platform-based product design and environmental turbulence. European Journal of Innovation Management, 17(1), 107-124. doi:https://dx.doi.org/10.1108/EJIM-06-2013-0055

Tingchi Liu, M., Anthony Wong, I., Rongwei, C., & Tseng, T.-H. (2014). Do perceived CSR initiatives enhance customer preference and loyalty in casinos?. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 26(7), 1024-1045. doi:10.1108/ijchm-05-2013-0222\

Global Managers
Keyla Wright
Liberty University Online


In review of the text book reading, I've chosen the key term "global manager" due to an academic curiosity. Prior to reviewing it, I had only heard of the term in textbook context. After reviewing the term more deeply, I've come to realize that global managers are a vital asset to any organization. Their wealth of knowledge concerning multicultural dynamics can be invaluable for the success of relations amongst nations worldwide.


According to the textbook, global managers "tend to possess experiential knowledge specific to some cultures, speak one language but can adjust to different cultures other than their own"(Satterlee, pg.214, 2014). Ironically, there isn't a clear definition of "global managers" but the type of character they should possess is widely discussed in the business arena. One article depicts the character of global managers by the "nature of the work they do, typically within an organization with global operations. This includes their capability to manage amid the complexity of business that is conducted across divergent cultures." (Lexicon, n.d)


The chosen article is titled Minding the Cultural Gaps between Different Countries- A Real Challenge for the International Managers. It is this writer's opinion that the selected article compliments the textbook reading by expounding on the complex nature of global managers and how even a manager's "leadership style can vary amongst other countries" (Capatîna, &Schin, 2013). The article also highlights different variable and environments that global managers have to face, which align with what the textbooks says concerning the commitment, motivation and risk. The article also suggests that successful managers are more able to juggle the demands of culture changes and adapting to differences.

DISCUSSION This week's reading discussed global market entry and managing global operations. With an ever-changing global market, organizations have to be able to have the right type of mangers in place to help navigate the global landscape.

Relation to Key Term. Each of the articles reflect broader dimensions of global managers and the skills and characteristics they must possess in order to be successful. Related Research.The additional articles connect to the infrastructure, technology, communication, and diversity issues that managers have to engage with regularly.

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