
Just as no two system implementations are the same no two

Identification of Opportunities and Limitations

Just as no two system implementations are the same, no two evaluation plans are, either. Every system implementation has unique attributes that require the development of a unique evaluation plan; however, nurse informaticists may be able to reuse parts of evaluation plans in similar practice settings or expanded research efforts. When considering existing evaluation plans for future use, it is important not to overlook a plan's limitations. These limitations may lead to unintended consequences if they are not examined with a keen eye.

In this Discussion, you analyze the limitations of your evaluation plan and opportunities for future application. In addition, you develop strategies for minimizing unintended consequences resulting from your own evaluation plan.

To prepare:

Review this week's Learning Resources, focusing on the limitations and opportunities highlighted in the research articles.

Review your evaluation plan, assessing the possible limitations.

Consider the plan's contributions to your organization and to nursing as a whole. Assess future opportunities for building on this research.

Research the Walden Library for an article detailing unintended consequences of an HIT implementation. Consider strategies for minimizing unintended consequences resulting from your evaluation plan.

post minimum of 550 words in APA format with a minimum of 3 references from the list below. Include the level one headers as numbered below:

1) A brief summary of the limitations of your evaluation plan.

2) Also describe future opportunities that could build upon your evaluation plan.

3) Summarize the article you identified that deals with unintended consequences, and outline strategies for avoiding unintended consequences stemming from your own evaluation plan. Include the reference in proper APA format. (See Attached PDF)

Required Readings

Bethell, C. D., Kogan, M. D., Strickland, B. B., Schor, E. L., Robertson, J., & Newacheck, P. W. (2011). A national and state profile of leading health problems and health care quality for US children: Key insurance disparities and across-state variations. Academic Pediatrics, 11(Supp 3), S22-S33.

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Dissertation: Just as no two system implementations are the same no two
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