Just as detail-level business architectural modeling

Question: The UML Notation

Just as detail-level business architectural modeling involves first creating views derived from high-level architecture frameworks, detail-level technical architecture modeling involves first creating views derived from technical architecture frameworks. There may be various types of diagrams within each view and an associated visual notation for representing these individual diagrams.

Just as Enterprise Architects have standardized on BPMN for capturing and representing detail-level business architecture, so have they standardized on UML as the visual modeling notation for capturing and representing detail-level technical architecture. UML has also been evolving for many years and has led to several specification updates from 1.x to 2.x versions.

UML 2.0 has three different categories of diagrams (Structure, Behavior, and Interactions). Choose a diagram from each category.

For each diagram:

- Create an example of the diagram you chose.

- Explain what it is used for.

- Discuss any limitations.

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Basic Computer Science: Just as detail-level business architectural modeling
Reference No:- TGS02395533

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