
Jump instructions present in 8051 microcontroller

1. Write 8051 ALP to read data from port I when negative edge triggered at INT0 and supply data to port 2 by masking the upper 4 bits.

ii) Write 8051 ALP to transmit ‘Hello World’ to PC at 9600 baud for external crystal frequency of 11.0592MHz.

2. With a neat well labelled circuit diagram explain how a 4?4 keypad is interfaced with 8051 microcontroller and write 8051 ALP for keypad scanning.

3. Sketch the schematic for interfacing a stepper motor with 8051 microcontroller and write 8051 ALP for changing speed and direction of motor.

4. Sketch the schematic for interfacing the servo motor with 8051 microcontroller and write 8051 ALP for servo motor control.

5. Describe the instruction set of 8051 microcontroller.

6. i) Add unsigned number found in 8051 microcontroller internal RAM locations 25h, 26h and 27h together and store the result in RAM locations 30h (MSB) and 31h (LSB).

ii) Name the arithmetic operations of 8051 microcontroller with the suitable example and demonstrate how the flags are affected for each operation.

7. i) Write down the Analog to Digital conversion program in 8051 microcontroller to translate analog data into digital. Digitalize the input for every 100μs and store the 1000 values in external RAM location 4000b to 43E7h.

ii) Describe the JUMP instructions present in 8051 microcontroller with the mnemonic code and its operation for each.

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Electrical Engineering: Jump instructions present in 8051 microcontroller
Reference No:- TGS09229

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