Judy's estimated tax payments for the current year total $14,000 , and federal income taxes withheld from her salary amount to $12,000. Judy's actual tax liability for the current year is $30,000. Her income was earned evenly throughout the current year. Judys AGI for the prior year was $160,000 and her tax liability was $25,000. Is Judy subject to the underpayment penalty? Explain.
a. Judy is subject to the underpayment penalty because her $26,000 in current year prepayments are less than both 110% of last year's tax liability and 90% of this year's tax liability. She must meet the 110% exception because her prior year AGI was more than $150,000.
b. Judy is subject to the underpayment penalty because her $26,000 in current year prepayments are less than both 90% of last year's tax liability and 100% of this year's tax liability. She must meet the 100% exception because her prior year AGI was more than $150,000 .
c. Judy is not subject to the underpayment penalty because her $26,000 in current year prepayments meet both 90% of this year's tax liability and 110% of last year's tax liability. She must meet the 110% exception because her prior year AGI was more than $125,000
d. Judy is not subject to the underpayment penalty because her $26 ,000 in current year prepayments meet both 90% of this year's tax liability and 100% of last year's tax liability . She must meet the 100% exception because her prior year AGI was more than $125 ,000